Tuesday, September 05, 2006

a twilight zone moment for you truett readers

For all of you Truett readers, you will find this post much more humorous than other folks. So, last night (Monday) I’m having dinner with the Scandrette household as well as with Dan and Adam (who live in the flat under the Scandrette’s, and whom I’m currently living with). We were enjoying a great pasta dinner and sharing stories.

Mark was sharing with all of us about a time when he was in England and people mistook him for Bono. Now, mistaking Mark for Bono would not be a surprising thing…Mark and Bono do resemble a bit…especially when Mark wears his “Bono glasses” and hip cowboy hat -- which he was at the time. Apparently, however, the people of England Mark encountered forgot that Bono is pretty short…and Mark is about 6’1”.

After this story Mark’s children began to expound on how much of a U2 fan Mark is, and Mark was telling his children about the roots of rock-n-roll (a conversation that was initiated because I was playing Muddy Waters for dinner music).

In this conversation Mark was teaching about how U2 really got into the Delta Blues, and that their album “Rattle and Hum” was greatly influenced by their love affair with the Blues. U2 even came and did some recordings in the Deep South.

As we kept talking about U2 I was waiting for a chance to tell a story told by one of my Truett professors, Joel Weaver. In the story Joel tells of a time when he was in college at Samford and U2 was in town. One night Bono came and hung out with him and some friends in their dorm room on campus. I thought this would be a great story to add to the conversation…and it would have been, until a small Twilight Zone moment happened…

Mark began to tell us about this time in college (Alabama) when he traveled down to Samford to visit a girl he was talking to at the time. The weekend that Mark was visiting this girl just happened to be a weekend when U2 was in town, but they did not get to see them. However, the big news on campus was that Bono was hanging out with some students in a dorm room on campus. Mark’s kids thought this was “so cool.”

In my head I was thinking, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I said, “You all aren’t going to believe this…but the guy’s dorm room Bono hung out in was my Greek professor’s room. He’s told that story many times in class.” We all just kinda sat there looking at each other and laughing about how truely connectioned in the world are, and many times we don't even know it.

Someone tell Joel Weaver that his story has been backed up…for those of you who doubted.


Janalee said...

No frikin' way! Do Mark and Joel know each other? I guess they are about the same age.

Janalee said...

No frikin' way! Do Mark and Joel know each other? I guess they are about the same age.

Anonymous said...

Crazy! But I still don't believe it - Weaver's just making it up, I bet, saying that it was his dorm room that Bono was hanging in. Just call me Thomas. Doubting Thomas.
- Vernon

celina said...

that's hilarious. just wanted you to know i'm reading. miss you.

Anonymous said...

Wow. The world is changing, what with cell phones and blogs. Great way to keep up with you man. Great story. We miss you at the office.
I rented the new Madden with a gift card I was given. I know its not as cool as NCAA but I still like it, so back off.

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