Saturday, October 07, 2006

leaving on a greyhound!!!

so this week mark, nate, adam and i are going to spend the week in new mexico. we are headed down to glorieta for the emergent gathering...which is exactly like it's a gathering of people who are involved in the emergent conversation. it is really a good time for friends to get together, share stories, have some seminar-type conversations, and just hang out. most of us from the re:imagine community are in charge of the hospitality aspect of the week, and mark and adam are going to be leading some conversations.

lately many of the people invovled with re:imagine have read gandhi's autobiography and were moved by many of his actions. one of the things he practices was that any time he traveled he would either walk, or if he took the train he rode in 3rd class. well, inspired by gandhi we are not traveling by plane or train...but by the greyhound!!!

any time i have mentioned this to anyone the reaction has been..."whoah, have you ever been on one?" someone told me that she and her best friend went traveled on one and when they returned they were no longer best friends. so, tonight we board for a 30 hour bus ride to new mexico!!! then we have to drive some more to get to it will be a bonding experience!!!


Anonymous said...

The group of us at YS went to hear/participate in Tony's late night theology session. For the most part it was good (some of the questions are what Dr. Olson would call ridiculous). It went well. Tony said he was not headed for the academy, but I think the most important part is that people meet Truett students and say "I hear great things about what is going on there." Tony voiced this...I was pleased

Anonymous said...

In light of our discussion with the person we were talking about earlier. I had to admit I was suprised about the I-term idea, and impression of me. Really? If so that is cool, if not "poor form". I do not have that book, you asked about earlier. I have The Relevant Church. Bring me whatever you can get.
Grace and peace.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Have fun!

Meg said...

you got a blog and cell phone...the world is surely going to stop spinning soon!

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